Wednesday, March 11, 2009

you + me = US :)

Lately, things did not go smoothly as we've expected. There were lots of conflicts / burdens *chaar! but because of these, we end up making a decision on giving up this so called "US". For the past 8mos that you've been my partner, there comes a point that I really wanted to let go BUT that doesn't mean Im giving up. Maybe it's just a way for us to breath for awhile from our roller coaster relationship.*EMOTE! haha

Hmm. I have these fave line of a song, "loving is not owning, we should let it go.." *ka-relate man gud ko! bleh! 'di bitaw, gwapo pud ang thought sa song ui. hehe

If there would be a single word to express my feelings for you, it would be "s o r r y" for causing too much pain on your part- but still I won't neglect everything 'bout us. You'll still and always be my other half. *CHUVANEEES! haha


I made this account for one reason - and that is because this is a project/ short badly needed.*haha! BUT WAIT!Later part, I have realized that I am now enjoying this stuff. Writing down what I want to say, express my ideas and if I have my own "dear diary".haaha*oh well..

I give my time and effort in doing this and for me, this is not a nonsense or a waste of time. By doing these blogs, I feel so free in narrating what I want, what I see and what I feel. It's like I have a freedom in expressing the inner part of me. *YEAH!
By pressing the keyboards, constructing sentences, adding photos- these were some of the things being done in making my blog.

Well, I might be leaving this subject (but hoping to be able to passed*haha!), by this activity making a blogspot- it will somehow remind me on what we have created during our CE2 days. And now, I'm happy that I've created this thinggy so that I could put down every steps of my journey. :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

27th of MARCH
given with thousands of name:

dramatic . hellish . natty
impeccable. & impotent

i am CHILDISH in thoughts & actions.
i play hide & seek.
ahahaha :))

i am CALLOW to those people who doesn't know how to have fun.
.. a SYLPH for those who believe that i am like one.
.. INSENSITIVE to those i dumped.
FATUOUS - i am.

i have failures & mistakes in life.
*thats a FACT.

HALF - crazy.
coz im overly addicted to someone.
ive been in a delightful experience and liable to take risk.
i lived with no other thought that to LOVE & be LOVED by him.

i sing when im bored. i laugh with no reason.
*but behind this playful spirit is an artistic mind.
im a neat - freak lass who loves to make a mess.

blah . blah . blah :D

(that's me, and yooo're approval isn't needed)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Im fond of getting pictures. Just one click here, snapshots there etc. Picture for me is one of the treasures that I could keep through my life. There were shots of happiness, excitement and even sadness. :) My friends and I were used to it especially these days that a lot of people were having this hightech phones with built-in camera. With just a click, there it goes upload it in our own account and thats it. Often we used to have it being developed as souvenirs wherever place we may be. :) It's a reality that we cannot go back or return those happy moments in our lives that is why pictures makes us remember those "bnding moments" that we have with our friends, relatives and even with our love ones. :)

im just a girl =D

I want to be
Anything I want to be
Why can't you see
There are so many possibilities
Do you even know
There are a million places we can go

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


days passed by, end npud sa sem? haha! i hope everyone of us will passed all of our subjects and be able to comply all of our requirements. yikes! mag-3rd year njud mi. *SOON(think positive gud!) another challenges. wee! i hope my friends and i will still be in the same section. bahalag S A B A. kiddin' aside! i know we'll be facing more fears but then kayanun jud dapat. AGREE?

i have come up to this profession not because its my choice but rather its my relative's option. haha! PERO ? now.. I'm learning to love my course and the task that we are doin'. RD diri, REQUIREMENTS didto pero MALAMPASAN LANG LAGE NA. that's a student naman e. Dapat ready to face everything jud, flexible for everything. hehe
*I'll aim high, and hit the mark. :)


Wednesday morning of February 4, 2009.. all students of BSN2-N were really busy! *as in. preparing for visual aids, assigned topics, decorations and everything. and to think? *MGA WALAY TULOG! haha but amidst everything? P O I S E ghapon. haha! finally, the presentation was about to start. mixed emotions *excited ug kakulba! (as if naman it is our first time? haha)

well, the flow of our presentation goes smoothly as we've expected. we're kinda prepared naman e. *nax! haha there were really corrections made by our clinical instructor but not totally everything. *YIPPEY! report. report. report - thats everything about our presentation. and it ended quiet fine. Hope we'll have a good grades with this thinggy. :)